Paul J. Winn CLU ChFC
Financial Writer, Editor & Trainer

Welcome to my website. I am a writer of training and continuing education courses dealing principally with life insurance, health insurance, annuities and taxation.

I offer my courses and writing services in two ways, enabling clients to take advantage of distinct approaches in developing their continuing education and training libraries. These approaches involve a) licensing existing non-exclusive courses, and b) purchasing original courses written exclusively for their own use.

Registered Tax Return Preparer Courses NEW
In addition to the insurance and CPE continuing education courses, clients can now choose from six Registered Tax Return Preparer continuing education courses that meet the IRS continuing education guidelines.

Course Licensing
Licensing existing courses offers clients an opportunity to create a relatively large library of continuing education courses with no up-front writing costs. As a result, a continuing education provider can reasonably expect to be operational and have the courses available to offer to students almost immediately. Click on my course library to see a brief summary of each available course. Under a licensing agreement, payment is made by the continuing education provider only after a course is sold to a student and revenue is received by the provider.

Original Courses
Alternatively, by purchasing an original course exclusively for its own use, an insurer or continuing education provider will own the copyright to the course content and can be assured no other insurer or provider has the identical course. Although course ownership involves up-front costs for purchasing the course and a period of time while the course is being written, many insurers and continuing education providers prefer this approach. To view the various insurance, securities, planning, taxation and human resources subjects I have written about, access my published works, categorized by subject matter.

Customized Courses
A third approach that appeals to many insurers and other firms offering insurance and investment products enables clients to customize a course to meet their particular marketing and training needs. It combines the two arrangements and involves licensing an existing non-exclusive course and commissioning the writing of a new chapter devoted exclusively to the insurer’s featured product. Such a course might combine the six-chapter Annuities course with an additional chapter describing the insurer’s annuity. The resulting course would deal comprehensively with the subject matter but be tailored to showcase the insurer’s particular product. If any of these approaches to creating a course library or supplementing an existing course library appeals to you, please contact me

PAUL WINN  | 757-253-8075 | fax 757-253-8079 | 101 Justice  Grice, Williamsburg, VA 23185 | info@insurancefinancialwriter.comhome